Since September 11, 2001 there has been blood in the water and the predators have been circling. The ensuing decade has brought little solace or healing to our wounds. Now, Persia Rising brings you an unflinching plunge into the next major attack upon the United States of America, our allies, and our way of life, set to occur on the anniversary of 9/11.
A psychopath, Ajay Majumbar, born to a moderate Muslim family in rural Texas, walks a terrible path toward murder and destruction as he facilitates the most horrendous terror attacks to ever occur on American soil. The American and NATO enemies in Iran, China, and Russia conspire to permanently eradicate the Western powers by seizing the opportunity granted by Ajay's hatred and sadistic desires.
The questionable allies of China and Russia facilitate Iran's nuclear ambitions as Iranian intelligence operatives and terrorist commandos execute the attacks that will establish the next great Muslim Caliphate in historic Persia.
The future is decided here. Can our nation survive? Will our culture survive? Will you survive?
A psychopath, Ajay Majumbar, born to a moderate Muslim family in rural Texas, walks a terrible path toward murder and destruction as he facilitates the most horrendous terror attacks to ever occur on American soil. The American and NATO enemies in Iran, China, and Russia conspire to permanently eradicate the Western powers by seizing the opportunity granted by Ajay's hatred and sadistic desires.
The questionable allies of China and Russia facilitate Iran's nuclear ambitions as Iranian intelligence operatives and terrorist commandos execute the attacks that will establish the next great Muslim Caliphate in historic Persia.
The future is decided here. Can our nation survive? Will our culture survive? Will you survive?
"This cautionary tale takes the reader on a wild and terrifying ride into a future in which the next September 11 is a terrorist attack that provokes a full-blown apocalypse. The author obviously knows his settings and his characters; he's done his homework in terms of research. The characters are well-drawn and the pacing is swift. The prose style is clear, concise, and engaging. Given its terrorist plot and apocalyptic themes, this is an ambitious novel that however fast-paced often reads as polemic."
Judge 44, Writers Digest 20th Annual Self-Published Book Awards Contest
"An incredibly fast-paced cautionary tale, this title takes the reader on a wild and terrifying ride into a future in which the next 9/11-style terrorist attack provokes a full-blown apocalypse. The first couple of chapters are brutal to say the least but if you like your literature with a bit of an edge this is probably your cup of tea. The pace of the story alone keeps you turning the pages to find out what’s happening around the next corner. I’m a fan of the whole doomsday genre and this is well-worth a look if you’re into this kind of thing."
Soldier, official magazine of the British Army, written by LCpl Adam Jackson, Para (Feb 2013)
"In his new gritty, eye-opening novel Persia Rising, retired law enforcement officer Mark B. Langford introduces his readers to a chilling and all-too plausible America where a series of horrific terrorist attacks occur. American Muslim terrorist Ajay Majumbar plans and carries out the attacks. Beginning with his unhappy and isolated childhood in rural Texas, Langford chronicles Majumbar’s life as he grows up to become a mass murderer and psychopathic jihadist. Aided by commandos from Iran, Russia, and China, Majumbar’s ultimate goal is nothing less than to execute a series of spectacular, coordinated attacks designed to decimate the Western world, specifically, the United States and its NATO allies. As the first book of the Long War Series, Langford ultimately provides an inside look at how easily and realistically enemies of the United States can destroy our homeland, as well as the measures U.S. civilians should take in the event of another coordinated attack. Langford says he designed the book as the ‘ultimate table-top exercise’ for citizens, emergency responders, planners, and the military to use as a template to guide their mindset and response to a similar scenario actually occurring.
The edge-of-your-seat thriller also explores other timely and relevant issues including: Exactly how Islamic extremists can cause more terrorist attacks using weapons of mass destruction; the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in America’s national security; whether domestic emergency management agencies have sufficient resources and supply lines to deal with another series of terrorist attacks; some of the best ways American civilians can prepare for another terrorist attack.
Persia Rising forces its readers to consider what will happen if another series of terrorist attacks takes place in the United States, while asking, “Can our nation survive? Will our culture survive? Will you survive?”
MILITARY PRESS on October 4, 2012
Judge 44, Writers Digest 20th Annual Self-Published Book Awards Contest
"An incredibly fast-paced cautionary tale, this title takes the reader on a wild and terrifying ride into a future in which the next 9/11-style terrorist attack provokes a full-blown apocalypse. The first couple of chapters are brutal to say the least but if you like your literature with a bit of an edge this is probably your cup of tea. The pace of the story alone keeps you turning the pages to find out what’s happening around the next corner. I’m a fan of the whole doomsday genre and this is well-worth a look if you’re into this kind of thing."
Soldier, official magazine of the British Army, written by LCpl Adam Jackson, Para (Feb 2013)
"In his new gritty, eye-opening novel Persia Rising, retired law enforcement officer Mark B. Langford introduces his readers to a chilling and all-too plausible America where a series of horrific terrorist attacks occur. American Muslim terrorist Ajay Majumbar plans and carries out the attacks. Beginning with his unhappy and isolated childhood in rural Texas, Langford chronicles Majumbar’s life as he grows up to become a mass murderer and psychopathic jihadist. Aided by commandos from Iran, Russia, and China, Majumbar’s ultimate goal is nothing less than to execute a series of spectacular, coordinated attacks designed to decimate the Western world, specifically, the United States and its NATO allies. As the first book of the Long War Series, Langford ultimately provides an inside look at how easily and realistically enemies of the United States can destroy our homeland, as well as the measures U.S. civilians should take in the event of another coordinated attack. Langford says he designed the book as the ‘ultimate table-top exercise’ for citizens, emergency responders, planners, and the military to use as a template to guide their mindset and response to a similar scenario actually occurring.
The edge-of-your-seat thriller also explores other timely and relevant issues including: Exactly how Islamic extremists can cause more terrorist attacks using weapons of mass destruction; the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in America’s national security; whether domestic emergency management agencies have sufficient resources and supply lines to deal with another series of terrorist attacks; some of the best ways American civilians can prepare for another terrorist attack.
Persia Rising forces its readers to consider what will happen if another series of terrorist attacks takes place in the United States, while asking, “Can our nation survive? Will our culture survive? Will you survive?”
MILITARY PRESS on October 4, 2012